Compass FT remporte le prix du « Meilleur fournisseur d’indices de cryptomonnaies » aux ETF Express Awards

28 March 2023 | LAUSANNE, Switzerland – PARIS, France – NEW YORK, USA

Compass Financial Technologies is delighted to have been voted “Best Cryptocurrency Index Provider” in the 2023 ETF Express Awards.

Compass has come a long way since the start of its journey on digital assets in 2018, having released a multitude of indices linked to digital assets. These indices range from single coin and basket indices to options-based and staking indices, with more to come soon. This award is an affirmation of Compass’s position as a leader in the digital assets industry. 2022 was an eventful year in the cryptocurrency universe, and the team is especially proud to receive this recognition in light of the recent challenges.

About Compass Financial Technologies SA

Compass Financial Technologies SA is an independent Swiss-based company focused on the design, calculation and administration of market benchmarks and tailor-made quantitative investment strategies. Founded in 2017, Compass has locations in Lausanne, Paris and New York. For more than 20 years, the team at Compass has been developing recognized benchmarks ranging from simple vanilla indices to complex index strategies based on quantitative models and market intelligence. Compass calculates nearly 1,500 indices for institutional clients, from investment banks and pension funds to asset managers related to all asset classes. Compass Financial Technologies (France) is a registered Benchmarks Administrator by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under the EU Benchmarks Regulations (EU BMR).

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